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SpanishOnPatrol Reviews

Community outreach with Spanish Training For Departments

Was a good course, easy to understand and follow along.


SpanishOnPatrol is very useful

I am thoroughly enjoying this website and I am finding it very useful. I've been trying to learn the language myself for over a year and have not focused on stuff that would be useful for work. I am grateful for this site in helping me learn some more practical things for my job. It is definitely increasing my knowledge of the language.


Police officers should take this Spanish training

Every officer should take this course. It has taught me words I would never have learned anywhere else. The cuss words, alert words, and dangerous vocabulary was much appreciated. I now know how to conduct a DUI stop in Spanish, thank you.


9-1-1 dispatchers Spanish training

I am a 911 emergency telecommunicator, I took this Spanish course which was amazing. I am so grateful that someone thought of us when putting a Spanish course together. We struggle communicating over the phone since we do not have any other clues or non-verbal communication clues. Spanish for 911 dispatchers is a must for all that work in the industry.


Ideal TCOLE Spanish for Law Enforcement course

I believe this course was a "10". I truly learned a lot and enjoyed the course. I will pass this course on to fellow Officer's for sure.

Kristina , Red Oak, TX

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