SpanishOnPatrol Reviews

Community outreach with Spanish Training For Departments

Helped us to help others

My personal thought are your class was that is was muy bueno. If I was to rate this between 1-10 it would be an 9. As a beginners I feel it helps to learn how to pronounce words related to our job. All in all this was a great class! I was happy to finish the course with hours left over. This gave me extra time to practice and become comfortable with the language. Thank you for providing this to us as it well greatly helped us to help others.

Ashton, Northampton, Va

Every police officer should take this Spanish course

This course has helped me alot. I never thought I would be able to understand what they were saying, but guess what I do. I can gather personal information from them and explain what they did wrong during a traffic stop. Every police officer out there should take this Spanish course and become knowledgeable of the language being used around them. Thank you for creating this awesome resource for us.

Gary, Denver, CO

Better relationship with the communities I patrol

Great course. I used it to receive my TCLEOSE intermediate requirement. It was exactly what I was looking for. The frequent repetition and review of previous lessons helped imprint much of the vocabulary and sentence structure. You should see me talking to the Hispanic community and they actually like me to stop by and talk with them even when I am in my uniform. I believe I have a better relationship with the communities I patrol, thank you.

Jan, Waco, TX

Its very easy to use


Brittany, Coweta, OK

Yesterday I was able to take a call

I'm enjoying it. It's expanding my vocabulary and reinforcing previously learned vocab. I am happy that I can take a call and know what is being said to me. Yesterday I was able to take a call and not have a translator assist me. LOVE IT!!

Kathy, York, PA

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